[Dusk to Dawn Sensor] Connected to this dusk till dawn transformer, the landscape lighting will turn on automatically at dusk and off at dawn; 60W, convert 120V AC household voltage to 12V DC safety voltage, providing a safer and more practical electrical current level, don't worry about forgetting the switch, energy saving
[Easy Installation & Weatherproof] Built-in hanging hole, 3.3ft power cable, mount it on outdoor walls directly, worked directly out of the box; molded weatherproof body, protects the transformer from rain, snow, dust, and abrasion, and withstands years of use
[Wide Application] Compatible with all low-voltage LED landscape lights, spotlights, garden lights, pathway lights, yard lights, deck lights, garage lights, etc. compact and lightweight, easily hidden, will not affect the appearance of your yard;the total power of the landscape lighting should not exceed 80% of the power pack’s capacity
[Countdown Timer & Memory Feature] Simply press the select button to easily adjust the countdown timer to 2/4/6/8 hours, allowing it to activate at dusk and deactivate automatically after the set time period; the memory feature ensures that the landscape transformer will retain the previously selected timer mode, even in the event of a power outage.
[Automatic Circuit Breaker] This low voltage transformer equipped with an automatic circuit breaker, will provide overload and short circuit protection effectively; replace your old transformer for a safer and smart life; ETL listed ensures quality and safety